Protecting Children & Youth

Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish is doing everything possible to be in safe environment compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, a document disseminated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. All adults in regular contact with minors are required to undergo a background check (including fingerprinting) and to attend VIRTUS training, including periodic update training.

Camden Diocese Standards for Protection

Camden Diocese Child and Youth Protection Programs



An independent, toll-free number has been established by the Diocese of Camden to help callers report cases of sexual abuse by priests, deacons, religious, employees and/or volunteers. Calls are handled by a licensed  clinical social worker.  In accord with state law, cases of child sexual abuse are reported to the N.J. Division of Child Protection and Permanency and law enforcement. For information or to ask about counseling or support services, call  1-800-964-6588.