Our Lady of Lourdes & Our Lady Queen of Peace

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Resources for the Year of Mercy

More on the Sacrament of Healing

Pope Francis on the Sacrament of Healing

Plenary Indulgence

Doors of Mercy

Pope Francis on Mercy


Other Year of Mercy Resources:

OSV app: www.osv.com/yom

Our Sunday Visitor’s 365 Days to Mercy app, free in the iTunes and Google Play app stores, is designed to accompany you on a spiritual journey during the Jubilee Year of Mercy.  Find inspiration in the daily Mercy reflections, daily scripture reflections, stories, and news.

Flocknote: www.livemercy.org

Live the Year of Mercy day by day with a calendar which provides helpful daily suggestions to help you live a more merciful life. Go to the above link to sign-up to receive a daily text message or email, to follow LiveMercy on Twitter or Facebook, or request the whole calendar for free.


Bishop Sullivan has issued a statement regarding Pope Francis' Motu Proprio (which revised the procedures for Catholics seeking n annulment for a marriage.Go here to read the Bishop's statement.