Gardening Angels

The Gardening Angels Ministry consists of two groups:  Mercy Community Garden and OLQP Gardening Angels.

Mercy Community Garden volunteers plant, maintain and harvest vegetables from the parish community garden with all produce going to the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.  Come take a look at the garden; we are located adjacent to Our Lady’s Hall parking lot off Morris Ave. in Pitman.  Contact:  Mike Granchi at mercycomgar@gmail.com or cell 856-725-2198.


  • Grow produce for donation and distribution for those in need within our community.
  • Promote organic gardening methods and good nutrition practices.
  • Introduce and promote charity, community service and good nutrition to our younger generation of volunteers.


  • Rely on volunteers to construct, maintain and tend the garden.
  • Depend on church, local organizations and businesses for support.


  • Group activities on most Saturday mornings from March through November.  Group activities include spring cleanup, planting, garden maintenance and fall cleanup.
  • Individual activities on your schedule consist of garden maintenance (watering, weeding, etc.) and picking and delivering produce to the OLQP Food Pantry prior to opening.
  • Age Groups:  Outdoor activity suitable for all ages.  No experience necessary; we always welcome new volunteers!


OLQP Gardening Angels maintain the flowers and plants at OLQP church, shrine and rectory to make the grounds attractive, welcoming and pleasant for our staff, parishioners and visitors.  Contact:  Cindy Granchi at granchi@verizon.net or 856-589-8969.

  • Ministry Activity:  about March through November.
  • Involvement
    • Group activities for planting annuals and bulbs, garden cleanups and maintenance; schedule is weather dependent.
    • Individual activities for garden maintenance (weeding, watering, etc.) on your schedule.
    • Outdoor activity suitable for all ages.  No experience necessary; we always welcome new volunteers!