Pro Life Ministry

The Pro-Life Ministry strives to build the culture of Life through prayer, education, and action by working to affirm the sacredness of life from the moment of conception to natural death and promote the importance and sanctity of marriage and family.

Activities Include: March for Life (January), Fortnight for Freedom (two weeks leading up to July 4th), Life Chain (1st Sunday of October), 40 Days for Life Campaign (Fall and Spring), and Good Counsel Homes Banquet (October).

For more information, contact  Kevin Cassidy via  e-mail at cassidy39@verizon.net


For more information about pro-life issues, please visit the following websites:


Care Net (24 Hour hot-line): https://www.care-net.org/

First Way: http://www.pregnancycareinwoodburynj.com/

Choices of the Heart: https://choicesoftheheart.com/

Good Counsel Home: http://www.goodcounselhomes.org/

The Helpers of God’s Precious Infants: https://www.findhealthclinics.com/US/Gloucester-City/1635504830027420/The-Helpers-of-God%27s-Precious-Infants-NJ

Hope Pregnancy Center: https://hopepregnancycenternj.org/

New Jersey Right to Life: https://njrtl.org/resources/crisis-pregnancy-centers/

Sidewalk Advocates for Life: https://sidewalkadvocates.org/

40 Days for Life: https://www.40daysforlife.com/



Catholic Charities: https://catholiccharitiescamden.org/

Catholic Social Services: https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/camden_catholic_charities_assi.html

Gloucester County social Services: http://www.gloucestercountynj.gov/services/s/socialserv.asp



Rachel's Vineyard: https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/