Opportunities for Stewardship
Time ~ Talent ~ Treasure
"Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours"
Your support is appreciated.
Our parish ministries welcome new members, and can always use help. Please prayerfully consider where you might be able to give some time, and lend your talents. If you're not sure who to contact, call the parish office and you will be pointed in the right direction.
Volunteers Needed
Our Lifelong Faith Formation programs are in need of Assistants, and Substitutes to help in the classrooms during instruction. For Grades 1 - 8, please contact Alysha Chambers, Veritas Coordinator, for more information. For other programs, please contact Shannon Cassidy, Pastoral Associate for Catechesis for more information.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Financial Stewardship
Financial Stewardship is made easier than ever with online giving. Make your one-time or recurring donation using your debit card, credit card, checking, or savings account. To sign up today, go to Online Giving to set up your account, choose a payment option and customize your donation. Or click on the following QR code:
Venmo: A New Way to Support Our Parish
(or pay for parish programs like Lifelong Faith Formation)
We now have a Venmo account for accepting donations and payments.
The account name is: @marymomgbpit.
Type the name in the search bar to make a donation.
If paying for LLF or something else, please type what you’re paying for in the “what’s it for?” space.
Note: you will need the Venmo app, and either a Venmo account, or a linked bank account or debit/credit card.
Have you considered a donation to the South Jersey Catholic Ministries Appeal?
Your support ensures the vitality of essential Diocesan ministries and programs that sustain the healing, teaching and redemptive Presence of Jesus Christ through the Diocese of Camden.
We ask that you prayerfully consider how your donation to this Annual Appeal provides solace, support and grace to thousands of your brothers and sisters in Christ; and we ask that you give, as generously as your means allow, in support of the 2024 Appeal.
Ways to support the House of Charity: you can pick up a pledge card in the back of Church as you enter or leave and either mail it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket at Mass, or you can make your donation online at https://16042.thankyou4caring.org/admin/sjcma.
Father Caparas is asking our families to consider making a sacrificial gift of $500 -- payable over 9 months; but even a gift of $50 or $60 will help us reach our goal and is appreciated.
Remember, your gift and prayers are vital in continuing the work of the diocese in helping those who are poor, sick, suffering in our communities.
Thank you for all that you do for our parish, and thank you for your support for the House of Charity – Bishop’s Annual Appeal, and for being the "faces of hope" for one another!